fbpx YUTA Screw Valve Figure LCBU-A - Yuta - Yuta

YUTA Screw Valve Figure LCBU-A

Lockable Valve

A Lockable Valve system effectively ‘locks’ the valve, thereby preventing its accidental opening and preventing accidental fluid leakage and creating a hazardous environment. By choosing the correct lockout device for your valve is crucial for your home or business.

O-Ring : NBR
Body : Brass
Ball : Brass
Cap : Brass
Gasket : NBR
Size : 20 mm x ¾” & 25 mm x ¾”
Type : Lockable Magnetic Angle + Key

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YUTA Screw Valve Figure LCBU-A Valve


Tipe Produk Valve
Material Brass
Tipe Penyambungan Compression Joint, Coupling Screw BSPP
Kelas Tekanan 10 Bar
Katalog E Brosur Yuta Valve - Bronze Brass